Lifetimewool is developing a
series of guidelines and
recommendations for managing ewe
flocks throughout the year.
These guidelines have some
specific differences from region
to region, particularly due to
pasture growth and climatic
conditions. Lifetimewool has
generated a number of
recommendations that are
based on results from it's
plot and farm scale
experimental work in
agricultural areas across
all states (excluding Qld).
Please select the region that
best suits your enterprise
to access ewe management
targets and specific
recommendations. If you hold
your mouse over a region,
the name of the region will
be displayed in a box and
you can click on it to take
you to the relevant page.
Click on the
region of the map for
specific recommendations
Or select the topic that
interests you;
whole farm profit is
affected by condition of
ewes Improving
ewe fleece weight and
wool quality Ewes
in better condition at
joining conceive more
lambs Improving
lamb survival More
productive lambs through
better ewe
management Managing
twinning ewes for higher
production Managing
ewe mortality
Or select from the Tools
of Terms