Ewe Management Topics

lifetimewool has a series of pages that deal with ewe managment issues in more detail.  The basis of these topics include the analysis of experimental and paddock scale work across southern Australia. 

Further analysis of the 'economic optimum' for managing ewe flocks is continuing and will shape the Optimum Ewe Managment Profiles that are found in the regional ewe guidelines.


How whole farm profit is affected by the condition of ewes
Ewes in better condition at joining conceive more lambs
Improving lamb survival
More productive lambs through better ewe management
Managing twinning ewes for higher production
Managing ewe mortality 
Improving ewe fleece weight and wool quality


Condition Scoring worksheet
Pasture Assessment
Ewe Managment Guidelines

Glossary of Terms

The Sheep CRC is continuing to develop information on increasing net reproductive rate in ewes, using lifetimewool data as a basis for the work. As the lifetimewool project has now completed its research phase please visit the Sheep CRC websiteto follow further work in the area of ewe management. To register for their quarterly newsletter, which will deliver updates to your inbox please click here.